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This is currently under development.


Threads are conversations between an assistant and the user:

  • Users can tweak model params and assistant behavior within each thread.
  • Users can import and export threads.
  • An OpenAI Thread API compatible endpoint at localhost:1337/v1/threads.

Folder Structure

  • Threads are saved in the /threads folder.
  • Threads are organized by folders, one for each thread, and can be easily zipped, exported, and cleared.
  • Thread folders follow the naming: assistant_id + thread_created_at.
  • Thread folders also contain messages.jsonl files. See messages.
assistant_name_unix_timestamp/ # Thread `ID`


  • Each thread folder contains a thread.json file, which is a representation of a thread.
  • thread.json contains metadata and model parameter overrides.
  • There are no required fields.


Here's a standard example thread.json for a conversation between the user and the default Jan assistant.

"id": "thread_....",                  // Defaults to foldername
"object": "thread", // Defaults to "thread"
"title": "funny physics joke", // Defaults to ""
"assistants": [
"assistant_id": "jan", // Defaults to "jan"
"model": { // Defaults to the currently active model (can be changed before thread is begun)
"id": "...",
"settings": {}, // Defaults to and overrides assistant.json's "settings" (and if none, then model.json "settings")
"parameters": {}, // Defaults to and overrides assistant.json's "parameters" (and if none, then model.json "parameters")
"created": 1231231 // Defaults to file creation time
"metadata": {}, // Defaults to {}

API Reference

Jan's Threads API is compatible with OpenAI's Threads API, with additional methods for managing threads locally.

See Jan Threads API.